Artist Development

Passion Singers

Led by Lisa Reshkus

Wednesdays 5:30-6:15pm $15.00

Develop your singing performance. Rehearse original and cover music in preparation for live events and recording sessions.

Cost: $15.00

Passion Dancers

Led by Lisa Reshkus or guest instructors from Beloit, Rockford and Milwaukee. Develop your dancing skills for live performance with the assistance of professional dancers.

Wednesdays 5:30-6:15

Cost: $15.00

Passion Songwriters

Passion Songwriters is an excellent opportunity for songwriters to hone their skills and experience the journey from initial inspiration to a polished piece of music. Come together in a supportive community to share your ideas and receive constructive feedback. This is a fantastic opportunity for anyone looking to explore songwriting and take their music to the next level. Perform your latest creations at live events. Prepare and record them in the studio.

Led by Lisa Reshkus

By Appointment